Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Graduation Caps

For those of you still in school after Memorial Day why not make a paper graduation cap to celebrate your child's "graduation" to the next grade? This is very simple and you can personalize with your child's school colors.

Construction Paper (any color)
Lightweight cardboard or cardstock
Glue, Scissors & Ruler

1. Cut a 4-by-21-inch strip of construction paper. (You may have to glue two pieces of paper together to get a 21-inch length.) Overlap and glue ends to create a 20-inch tube.
2. Clip 1-inch slits around the top of the tube at about 2-inch intervals to create tabs. Bend the tabs inward.
3. Cut two 10-by-10-inch squares of construction paper and one matching square of lightweight cardboard. Glue the construction paper to each side of the cardboard.
4. Place a dot of glue on each tab of the main headpiece. Set the square on top of the tube. Allow to dry.
5. Make a tassel for the cap by winding yarn four times lengthwise around a ruler to create 12-inch loops. Cut a 24-inch piece of yarn and tie it through the top loops of the tassel to secure. Slip the loops off the ruler. Clip open the bottom loops. Glue the tassel to the center of the cap.

Now you and your child are all set to celebrate their big accomplishment! Celebrate with special graduation foods also.

Ages 3 & up

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